
Based on the IT journey of Michael Rickert

Author: admin

APC UPS Monitoring with prometheus on k8s

Summary: Monitor APC ups devices with the apcupsd linux service and output the results to prometheus and grafana for graphing and alerting. This guide is specifically for usb connected apc devices but in theory other devices would work fine too. Step 1: Install apcupsd Connect your apc ups to any ubuntu/debian server with a usb port. Then once installed run…

Ansible AWX-Operator Postgres 13 -> 15 upgrade

Looking on how to recover your awx-operator helm install of ansible after upgrading from versions 12.1 and lower to 13.x+ and higher, only to find out that postgres 15 cant start and the entire service is down? Look no further. Step 1: First, lets make sure if anything strange happens that our postgres database is safe. Make sure that the…

Rancher kubernetes log forwarding

Have you had to try and forward pod/container logs from a rancher cluster using rancher logging (banzaicloud/fluent) and everything gets nested and jumbled together on the receiving end? Lets fix that! First install the rancher logging chart from their official repository, this is actually the banzaicloud logging operator under the hood with some rancher specific wrappings around it. That’s an…

SBUS on the RTFQ NOX v1 flight controller

A while back I had purchased the ReadyToFlyQuads NOX v1 test flight controller, and coming in at $35 for an AIO board that can do blheli32 it was a great deal, even with the zero documentation provided. One issue I couldn’t solve though was why I couldn’t get sbus to work on either UART port…. until now!   These steps…

Authenticate AD users on Cisco switches through RADIUS

Overview This is a quick how-to guide on how to have Microsoft Active Directory user accounts in a security group authenticate to Cisco gear. Afterwards you’ll be able to login with AD credentials on the Cisco router/switch for easier login control and management. This guide assumes:  You have a full AD environment in place  You have a basic understanding of…

Storage speed shootout, Dell vs EMC vs ZFS

The gear we’re testing today: Dell Equallogic PS6500 (7200rpm disks ~48 drives) EMC VNXe3200 (7200rpm disks ~24 drives) Dell/EMC SC4020 (ssd version ~12 drives) 45Drives S45 (7200rpm ~45 drives) 45Drives Q30 (ssd version ~12 drives) Supermicro 45 bay JBOD (7200rpm disks ~45 drives) My local machines ssd (just for fun ~1 drive) All backed by a 10gig fiber network For…

Building a 45drives backend for Starwind

Intro In this guide we’ll be going over the basics of bringing up a fresh 45drives chassis with the following: Ubuntu 16.04 ZFS for linux iSCSI targeting with targetcli 45drive LSI driver installs 45drive drive naming and /dev settings Raid1 boot drives for supermicro While portions of this guide will be specific to 45drives hardware, the zfs, ubuntu, and iSCSI…