#pull the list of interns related to this application
@startup_application = current_startup.startup_applications.all.order('created_at DESC')
#pull the interns education from the column
internschools = Intern.where("education != ?", "NULL").pluck("education")
#count the number of similar schools
counts = Hash.new 0
internschools.each do |word|
counts[word] += 1
#sort all of the school counts highest to lowest and then get the top 5
@internschoolsfinal = Hash[counts.sort_by{|k, v| v}.reverse[0..4]]
#give schoolnumber a start value
<% schoolnumber = 0 %>
#go through the hash received from the controller
<% @internschoolsfinal.each do |x| %>
#increment the school number by 1
<% schoolnumber += 1 %>
#set the schoolname variable based on the hash pair key value for input into the javascript file
var <%= "school#{schoolnumber}name" %> = "<%= x.first %>";
#set the schoolnumber variable similar to schoolname
var <%= "school#{schoolnumber}number" %> = <%= x.second %>;
<% end %>
#if the schoolnumber count didn't reach 5, make sure it reaches 5 so we don't throw a javascript exception for chart.js
<% if schoolnumber < 5 %>
#just make 5 empty school values
<% 5.times do |y| %>
<% schoolnumber += 1 %>
#call the school N/A and give it a count of 0, it won't show up on the chart anyway
var <%= "achool#{schoolnumber}name" %> = "N/A";
var <%= "school#{schoolnumber}number" %> = 0;
<% end %>
<% end %>
//data for the chart, received from the generated html variables
var data = [
value: school1number,
highlight: "#FF5A5E",
label: school1name
value: school2number,
color: "#46BFBD",
highlight: "#5AD3D1",
label: school2name
value: school3number,
color: "#FDB45C",
highlight: "#FFC870",
label: school3name
value: school4number,
color: "#1919FF",
highlight: "#3030FF",
label: school4name
value: school5number,
color: "#FF9900",
highlight: "#FFA319",
label: school5name