A comparison between Cloud hosting, Colo hosting (datacenter hosting), and local on-site hosting At first glance, the low cost of cloud and co-location hosting per month may put them far ahead of on-site hosted servers, and in some cases they are. In today’s post I break down the cost per year, extrapolated out over twenty years, for a server heavy…
Author: admin
How not to provide support, my Neato story
It all began… When I purchased a Neato Signature XV from woot.com in November. This was my first ever robotic vacuum and with woot’s awesome price I figured the top of the line from one of the two most popular brands would be a great way to start…. And it was, at first. The Neato vacuum did a great…
Text slide in with delay in jquery
Code breakdown below, the demo/source can be found here: jsfiddle demo (click ‘result’ to restart the animation)
Card flip using jquery and css3
I originally had created a page that uses a card layout with 3d flipping cards using this how to guide. This proved to not work in IE and have occasional hiccups in chrome as well. After much debugging and troubleshooting I created a better card flip system using css3 and jquery, code below: page format div class=”cardcontainer col-md-3″ align=”center”> div…
Quck code examples: pie chart using Chart.js and a ruby hash
Here’s a quick code example of a pie chart using Chart.js and ruby/rails to get the top five schools entered by students and to display the number of times they appear. Read through the code comments for more information. /dashboard_controller.rb #pull the list of interns related to this application @startup_application = current_startup.startup_applications.all.order(‘created_at DESC’) #pull the interns education from the column…
Dell Equallogic IOPs
Just a quick Dell Equallogic IOPs benchmark of the new vs old equipment in use. The graph is pretty self explanatory with the PS6510 being more than 2x faster than the next best model.
Dell Poweredge R620 vs R610 benchmarks
Introduction Today I’ll be going over benchmark comparisons between Caliper’s new Dell Poweredge R620 servers and their older Poweredge R610 servers. I used Passmark Performacetest 8 for the benchmarking software. The CPU and memory benchmarks were run on a VM inside of vmware. The VM was the only active machine on the host and it was given the maximum amount…
Equallogic and vmware benchmarking
Speed Benchmarking with read/write in MB/s Equallogic Model Speed tests: A vmware VM using SCSI LSI logic SAS was used The Sequential read and write are based on a 4 GB file. The resulting MB/s speeds are based on the average of 5 passes CrystalDiskMark was used for disk benchmarking All disks were formatted and blank at time of benchmarking…
SQL Server 2012 Failover Clustering with MSCS
Notes and final opinion on MSSQL Server 2012 MSCS First, the setup. I created two vmware VMs with the following: Microsoft Server 2012 R2 24GB RAM 120GB Primary HDD 4 vCPU 2x VMXNET 3 NICs And placed them in their own resource pool Next I configured networking on the VMs. One NIC was on the iSCSI network connected to the…
Veeam direct SAN access via iSCSI
How to add iSCSI connections on your backup server so that Veeam can access the SAN directly for backups. 1. On the backup server go to ‘control panel -> administrative tools -> iSCSI Initiator 2. Click on the ‘Discovery’ tab and then click on ‘Discover Portal…’