
Based on the IT journey of Michael Rickert

A first rails app

I’ve created a new rails app using bootstrap 3 and rails 4, here’s a quick preview:

The login page, this checks the username/password combination against an LDAP server and verifies the user is both active and in the proper security group. If they aren’t logged in a message will appear like the one seen below, alerting the user that they must log in:


The dashboard page, this page is a placeholder for relevant information that has not yet been created on the backend.


The new score page, this page allows users to enter their scoresheet number requests as well as some extra information (not required) and submits it via a form:


The view page, here you can view the pulled scoresheet information that has been retrieved from the database servers, the recent orders list on the left contains all past scoresheet number requests by date and name of assessee:


Here you can see the expanded page times after pressing the ‘view page times’ button, showing the relevant database information.



And that’s it! This app was more of a test of bootstrap 3 and riak integration than anything else and was not meant to go live. It was written in RoR and allows for quick, easy access to scoresheet information from a riak database.

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